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Performer Profile 2015 // DAA 90’s

Performer Profile 2015 // DAA 90’s

Dogs in jackets? Denim? DAA 90’s will clearly be bringing next level fashions to the lipservice 2015 stage.

Support DAA 90’s in their fundraising efforts for imagine1day: Support DAA 90’s

What’s your name?
DAA 90’s

Where do you hail from?

What’s the best thing about our city?
Dogs in jackets.

Where do you draw your inspiration from?
Overalls and platform shoes.

If someone were to write your biography/team biography, what would the title be?
Page me dude

What is your WWE wrestling name and theme song?
Pound it, Whoop der it is!

What is your favorite curse word? Use it in a sentence.
Asshat. Stop being such an asshat.

What is your go to songza playlist?
90’s hip hop house party

We. Can’t. Wait.

Support DAA 90’s in their fundraising efforts for imagine1day: Support DAA 90’s

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