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Performer Profiles 2014 // Harpy! Harpi! Harpe!

Performer Profiles 2014 // Harpy! Harpi! Harpe!

Get to know Harpy! Harpi! Harpe!

Performer Bio

Born on a deserted Indian island, Harpy! Harpi! Harpe! was raised by a migrating pack of Harp seals. Unfortunately this meant that once he rejoined human society, he was unable to communicate in any form other than walking around clapping “Harp, Harp, Harp, Harp”. This led to him being mercilessly teased, and so he now makes a living traveling city to city, pretending to sing songs hoping nobody hears his actual voice. Everyone is happier for it, except the poor souls who still have to watch his interpretation of “dancing”.

Performer Questionnaire

What inspired you to perform at lipservice? It is a great cause, and I wanted to challenge myself to get out of my comfort zone more.
What is your best asset on stage? My expressiveness.
What genre of music will you be syncing to? Mostly top 40 from 80’s to now.
Who is your biggest supporter? My brother. He pushes me to be better every day and inspires me with his intelligence and drive.
Can we expect to see you in a costume? Yes.
Favorite Songza playlist….anything 90s
Favorite music festival….edc
Canucks or Whitecaps…. Canucks
Best song of all time….u2 – Bloody Sunday. Only because it gives me goosebumps due to all the memories attached to it.
Best patio in Vancouver…. Darbys
Best beach in Vancouver….. Wreck
Best place to eat….. Stephos
What Would Jimmy Fallon Do…. me
Imagine1day….. Awesome people doing such necessary work. Meeting the group made me realize I just don’t do enough, and I am excited to do my little part with my performance next week.

lipservice is a lip sync competition on March 29th at the Imperial, in Vancouver BC, with all proceeds going to imageine1day. Get your tickets here!

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