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Guest Judge Profile // Bianca Solterbeck

Guest Judge Profile // Bianca Solterbeck

We are extremely thrilled to announce our second celebrity Guest Judge for lipservice 2015, Bianca Solterbeck!

Bianca is a Leo Award nominated writer for television, and has produced for local shows Cooking With Fire (yup, firefighters cooking!) and The Proposal (so.much.emotion). Bianca is the senior producer and host of Dream Homes, a quirky real estate show that gets inside incredible, multi-million dollar properties on the West Coast!

Bianca immigrated from Germany when she was six years old and can be found at almost every Oktoberfest in Metro Vancouver. When she’s not at work or celebrating her culture, she can be found schwitzing at a spin class or eating brunch!

Why lipservice?
I read about Imagine1Day and was so impressed at how the organization works to empower Ethiopians to create a better future for themselves. Getting to be part of an event that puts the ‘fun’ in fundraiser to help achieve that goal is awesome. I’m excited to see the creativity and energy of the groups performing. Now excuse me while I practice my British accent and watch re-runs of American Idol…

What nickname should we call you by?
My friends call me B.

Where are you most likely to be caught lip synching?
I would most likely be caught lip synching in a car to a song from the 80s… Can’t Fight This Feeling anyone?!

If you could judge anyone in the world’s lip synching abilities, whose would it be?
I’d like to see Kate Middleton let loose and lip synch to “Take Me to Church,” I’d also like to judge Tom Brady’s rendition of “Funky Town.”

What’s the best YouTube video of all time?
Lonely Island’s “Jack Sparrow.” The big sexy hook still gets me.

Tell us the way to your heart…
Family & friends, chocolate & beer… set to songs from the 80s.

You can find Bianca on Twitter and Instagram (and of course on TV and at lipservice 2015!).

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